Our Latest Investment Includes A Tow Track Remote Control Recovery Unit
The Gallows Wood Recovery fleet has expanded again. New additions to our extensive fleet include a heavy recovery unit, two new vans, and some new

Gallows Wood Recovery Celebrates 60 Years
We’re celebrating a big birthday here at Gallows Wood Recovery as we reach our 60th year Anniversary this year. We are proud to be at

Heavy Accident Training With Goole Fire Station
For over 30 years, we have worked closely with Grimsby and Immingham Fire Brigade and have been proud to support them by giving them the

We’re Proud To Support The NHS
Gallows Wood Recovery To The Rescue We have been inspired by our Gallows Wood Recovery team for the courage and commitment they have shown as

Calling All Dealerships and ‘O’ Licence Holders
Let us become your valuable Business Partner. Gallows Wood Recovery are the ideal partner for your car dealership or business. We provide a 24 hour vehicle

Our Training Is Recognised By Highways England
At Gallows Wood Recovery, we have a planned internal training programme which is delivered by the Institute Of Vehicle Recovery (IVR) Training Service. As members of

Operating Theatre Blankets Hit The Road
Customer care and safety is of paramount importance to us and we are the first Vehicle Recovery company to equip all our Gallows Wood Recovery

Delighted To Win An RAC Suppliers Award
We were delighted to have been selected as a winner of the RAC Outstanding Contribution Award 2017. We hope to continue to offer the highest

Sponsoring Rescue Day On July 7th 2018 At Crowle In North Lincolnshire
Bringing together as many of the key rescue services to raise public awareness of safety in the community is an event that we are proud